Statement by Ames Huntting, Retired Salesman
I have recently become aware of certain individuals on the web whose purpose is to smear Aesthetic Realism. I am furious they have called it a "cult," a ludicrous but very ugly lie.
I began my study of Aesthetic Realism in 1975 when I first heard the statement, "The deepest desire of every person is to like the world on an honest or accurate basis." I was astonished—that's it, I thought!
However, personal circumstances had me stop my study of Aesthetic Realism. Over the years I was in touch with my sister who was studying Aesthetic Realism, and I'm glad I was. I never forgot that one principle, and started to study it again after 28 years.
Aesthetic Realism is philosophic education founded by Eli Siegel. It is a study about all the arts and sciences, about economics, and ethics. Eli Siegel's purpose in life was to have other persons be stronger and happier. I am that—one of thousands and thousands across this country who have benefited from his work in different ways, including through the international journal The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known, and many articles in newspapers.
Mr. Siegel once said, "Ethics is a force, like electricity, steam, the atom, and will have its way." It will have its way with liars.
—A.B. Huntting
September 19, 2004